Archive for May, 2011

Female Turntable

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Cell Shaded Game

The trailer made for my cell shaded side scrolling game. The game was made for my second level design class in approximately 5-6 weeks. The class focused more on coding for UDK over simply using what has already been implemented in the engine.

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18×24″ Pencil Drawing A distortion drawing for class. The project was to find an image of a person with fine details to their face, distort the image, and draw it focusing on little details as wrinkles and hairs.

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Link Sculpture (2 of 2)

Sculpey Sculpture. I created the Link sculpture over the course of a summer. The sculpture stands at 8 inches tall and was made using an aluminum wire skeleton and Super sculpey.

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Link Sculpture (1 of 2)

Sculpey Sculpture. I created the Link sculpture over the course of a summer. The sculpture stands at 8 inches tall and was made using an aluminum wire skeleton and Super sculpey.

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Objects at Night

18×24 Pencil Drawing This image was created for a class when studying how to draw 3D object in a space. An image of butterflies was printed out, folded, into a pyramid, and placed in a nigh time scene before it was drawn.

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Raphael Muscle Study

9×12 Pencil Drawing This drawing was a study of an image created by Raphael. We were to create the skeleton and then muscles of his posed model. The image was the run through a filter to create the effect.

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9×11 Pencil Drawing Orthographic study of a skull for anatomical figure drawing class.

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This image was done in pencil on an 9×12 drawing pad.

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8×8 Pen and Ink stipple created for a class.

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